Zandri Zomerdijk 2021
Mending my lockdown-brain
First idea/sketch:
Sketch brain mending:
Emotions: sad, unmotivated
Mending: meditation, talking to friends & family

Reading: Hard time reading
Mending: Read fun books, educate yourself

Memory: Due to lockdown, each day seems the same, idk what I did last week
Mending: Keep a journal

Sight: seeing the same surrounding everyday
Mending: Go vised nature, beach, forest

Movement: no exercise, gyms are close, nowhere I have to be
Mending: Go for a walk, do sports from home
behind the scenes:
meditation in nature, enjoying the silence
hanging out with friends
keeping a journal
cleaning my room
cycling through the forest
making music
My mending collage
Mending my lockdown-brain
I wanted to mend my lockdown brain. I wanted to mend my brain and help myself with getting out of the rut of the lockdown.

Being locked up in my own room, where I have to do all the things I did before the lockdown in other places, is getting tired. I’m a hard worker and want to do the best I can with everything I make, but sometimes I forget to listen to my mind and body. Especially with the lockdown where you don’t really have fun distractions, life can get boring and hard. Knowing how to prevent mental complaints is handy to know, for me.

I made this video collage of things I did that helped me with clearing my mind. I chose to make a video collage with film and sound to give the viewer an experience of the things that relax me.

A letter to my post pandemic self
for the best experience listen with headphones